A Study on the Affecting Factors and Performance of IS Organizational Innovation - Use of the IS Development Methodology as an Object of Innovation -

IS 조직혁신의 영향요인과 성과에 관한 연구 - IS 개발방법론을 혁신 대상으로 -

  • Published : 2002.09.30


This research focuses on the IS development methodology as an object of innovation in an IS organization. It has two main research objectives. It was intended to understand the critical affecting factors which have an effect on the processing of each level in the dynamic and evolving innovation process. There are two levels of innovation process: initiation and implementation. It was also intended to understand the performance of IS organizational innovation. We found three main results by the LISREL analysis. First, main factors affecting initiation level of innovation are innovative tendency of IS members, communication level of IS organization, existence of champion manager, IS performance gap, executive supporting to IS, and relative advantage of IS development methodology. At the implementation level, it was understood that the existence of champion manager, executive support, and relative advantage of IS development methodology were the main factors promoting to use the innovation, and the complexity of innovation was a negative factor adopting the usage of innovation. Second, the quality of the previous level in the gradual innovation activities gives very notable affection to the continuous next level. Finally, it was found that the qualitative performance like the documentation, collaborative team approach, IS developer's awareness and ability corresponding to their task and so on was improved due to the IS organizational innovation. This research provides the standard framework for the IS organizational innovation in a structural way. In the practical aspect, it may be used as the principle for introducing and using the IS development methodology.



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