인터넷 뱅킹에서 고객이 인지하는 가치가 고객 충성도에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Customer`s Perceived Value of Internet Banking an Customer Loyalty

  • 발행 : 2002.12.31


Recently, most banks in Korea provide internet banking services for customers, and the number of internet banking users is growing rapidly. However, the percentage of internet banking from the perspective of total banking transactions is only about 8.8%. In this thesis we identify customers' perceived value of internet banking and the relationship between customer value and customer loyalty. Furthermore, we illustrate the role of internet banking as the strategic channel of customer loyalty. We performed an empirical data analysis on internet banking users. The results showed that the relationship between customer value and customer loyalty is significant and customer loyalty toward internet banking sites has a positive effect on customer loyalty toward banks. The implications of this study are that internet banking sites should concentrate on delivering customer value such as ease of use, playfulness, and trust, and thereby strengthen customer loyalty.



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