온라인 채팅에서 아바타의 도입이 매체에 대한 사용자의 인지에 미치는 영향

A comparison of user perception between text-based and avatar-based chatting

  • 발행 : 2002.12.31


This study compares avatar-based chatting and text-based chatting. The comparison focuses on the effect of different chatting methods on user perception such as flow, social presence, and media richness. Especially the effects of avatar are examined across varying task types-work-oriented and fun-oriented. To accomplish this objective, a laboratory experiment was conducted using 80 experienced subjects. The results indicate that avatar-based chatting was more playfulness than text-based chatting in general. However, the effects of chatting methods on user perception were quite different according to the task types. There was no significant difference between avatar-based chatting and text-based chatting in the fun-oriented task, but avatar-based chatting was perceived as a more playful, focused, telepresent, and social present method in the work-oriented task.



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