Evaluation of Forage Production of Sorghum for High-Yielding Hybrid

우량 품종의 선발을 위한 사초용 수수의 생산성 평가

  • Kim, J.D. (Yonam College of Agriculture) ;
  • Kwon, C.H. (Yonam College of Agriculture) ;
  • Kim, S.G. (School of Agric. biotechnol., Seoul National University) ;
  • Park, H.S. (School of Agric. biotechnol., Seoul National University) ;
  • Ko, H.J. (School of Agric. biotechnol., Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, D.A. (School of Agric. biotechnol., Seoul National University)
  • Published : 2002.10.31


Livestock farmers face several limitations when using the government recommended sorghum cultivars for forage because of the limited seed supply. Therefore, the objective of the this study is to evaluate, select, and recommend the best high-yielding hybrid as the government recommended cultivars. The agronomic characteristics and forage yield of three cultivars (cv. P947, cv. KF429 and cv. SS405) of forage sorghum were evaluated at two locations (Suwon and Sunghwan) for 2 years (1999${\sim}$2000). 'KF429' was susceptible to foliar disease, while 'SS405' had less lodging resistance among the sorghum cultivars tested. When compared with 'P947' (recommended cultivar), dry matter yield of 'KF429' and 'SS405' cultivars increased by 16% and 75%, respectively. The crude protein of 'P947'(9.4%) was higher than other cultivars. The percentage of ADF and NDF were the lowest in 'KF429' cultivar. The results of forage performance experiment indicate that 'KF429' and 'SS405' are recommended as the government recommended sorghum cultivars due to a high lodging tolerance, disease resistance, and high dry matter yield.

제한된 종자 공급 때문에 축산농가에서 사초용 정부장려 수수 품종을 선택하고, 재배 이용하는데 제한을 받고 있다. 따라서 본 연구의 목적은 생산성이 높은 사초용 수수 품종을 선발하고, 선발된 품종들을 정부장려 품종으로 추천하는데 있다. 2년간 (1999${\sim}$2000) 2개 지역 (수원 및 성환)에서 ‘P947', 'KF429' 및 'SS405' 3품종의 생육특성과 사초수량을 비교하였다. 'KF429'는 병해에 약하였고 'SS405'는 도복에 강한 품종이었다. ‘P947' 품종의 건물수량은 17,823kg/ha이었으며, 'KF429' 품종과 'SS405'품종은 ‘P947' 품종보다 각각 16% (20,631kg/ha)와 75% (31,157kg/ha)의 수량 증가를 보였다. 조단백질 함량은 ‘P947' 품종이 다른 품종들에 비하여 높았으며, ADF 및 NDF 함량은 ’KF429' 품종이 낮았다. 이상의 결과를 종합하면, 내도복성 및 내병성이 좋고 사초건물수량이 높은 ’KF429' 품종과 'SS405' 품종을 정부 장려품종 으로 추천하고자 한다.



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  1. Comparison of Agronomic Characteristics, Productivity and Feed Values of Summer Sowing Sorghum Hybrids in Gyeongbuk vol.35, pp.2, 2015,