Efficient Implementations of a Delay-Constrained Least-Cost Multicast Algorithm

  • Feng, Gang (Department of Electrical Engineering at University of Wisconsin) ;
  • Makki, Kia (Telecommunications & Information Technology Institute, Florida International University) ;
  • Pissinou, Niki (Telecommunications & Information Technology Institute, Florida International University)
  • 발행 : 2002.09.01


Constrained minimum Steiner tree (CMST) problem is a key issue in multicast routing with quality of service (QoS) support. Bounded shortest path algorithm (BSMA) has been recognized as one of the best algorithms for the CMST problem due to its excellent cost performance. This algorithm starts with a minimumdelay tree, and then iteratively uses a -shortest-path (KSP) algorithm to search for a better path to replace a “superedge” in the existing tree, and consequently reduces the cost of the tree. The major drawback of BSMA is its high time complexity because of the use of the KSP algorithm. For this reason, we investigate in this paper the possibility of more efficient implementations of BSMA by using different methods to locate the target path for replacing a superedge. Our experimental results indicate that our methods can significantly reduce the time complexity of BSMA without deteriorating the cost performance.



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