임베디드 시스템 기반의 혈액 투석기 시스템의 개발

The Development of Hemodialysis System Based on Embedded System

  • 지정호 ((주) 빈즈메디칼) ;
  • 이경중 (延世大 保健科學大學 醫工學科) ;
  • 김영호 (延世大 保健科學大學 醫工學科) ;
  • 박광리 (龍人松談大學 醫療情報시스템과)
  • 발행 : 2002.11.01


The Hemodialysis system is the device for the patients who have suffered from end stage renal failure as the kidney which removes the waste products in a human body. The existing hemodialysis is based on a 8-bit micro-controller and it is not a touch-screen type but a manual type. This paper is focused on hemodialysis system based on high control and expension embedded system. The whole system consists of main control unit and sub control unit(dialysis control unit, blood control unit, monitoring control unit, networking unit). The dialysis control unit, blood control unit, monitoring control unit are processed by 3 microcontrollers and network unit is for monitoring a renal failure patient's condition. For the evaluation of the system performance, the saline was pured into blood unit and then water removal rate, conductivity and temperature of hemodialysis liquid were measured 10 times in an each state suing the UF pump in the fluid unit varing the quantity of saline to 1000cc, 2000cc, 3000cc and 4000cc. As a result, the rates of water removal are 98.6% in condition of 000cc saline, 96.9% in 2000cc, 98.9% in 3000cc and 98.3% in 4000cc. The conductivities of hemodialysis liquid are 99.6% in the first to third condition and 99.7% in the forth condition. The temperatures of hemodialysis liquid are 99.8% in the first to third condition and 99.6% in th forth condition.



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