지속가능한 농업과 농촌개발의 방향

Direction of sustainable agriculture and rural development

  • 정지웅 (서울대학교 농업생명과학대학)
  • 발행 : 2002.10.25


This study intends to review the sustainable agriculture and rural development concepts and practices and to present their directions toward better rural planning. Review of related literature including use of available documents and field visits both in Korea and overseas countries are two main methods of data collection with no quantitative analysis. Before sustainable (rural) development was fashionably used in the 1990s in the world, sustainable agriculture and other similar terminologies such as organic farming, alternative agriculture, low-input sustainable agriculture, natural farming, and environment-friendly farming are considered important in the academics as well as In action. The significant relationship between farmers' engagement in sustainable farming and their participation in voluntary social organizations is evidenced, so that it might be said that sustainable agriculture be the basis of sustainable rural development. Whether in sustainable agriculture or in sustainable rural development, the sustainable rural economy is considered more important toward better rural planning both in Korea and in the world.



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