FDG-PET을 이용한 암 치료 효과의 평가

Evaluation of Cancer Treatment Using FDG-PET

  • 류진숙 (울산의대 서울중앙병원 핵의학과)
  • Ryu, Jin-Sook (Department of Nuclear Medicine Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine)
  • 발행 : 2002.02.28


FDG-PET has potential as an effective, non-invasive tool to measure tumor response to anticancer therapy. The changes in tumor FDG uptake may provide an early, sensitive guide to the clinical and subclinical response of tumors to cancer treatment, as well as functional assessment of residual viable tumor. This may allow the evaluation of subclinical response to anticancer drugs in early clinical trials and improvements in patients management. However, monitoring tumor responses with FDG-PET is still in its infancy. The methods of measurement of FDG uptake are currently diverse and timing with respect to anti cancer therapy variable. Therefore, there is a need for larger-scale trials along with standardized methodology and a collection of reproducibility data. The recent guideline from the European group seems to be the most comprehensive. In future, the combination of morphological and metabolic images may improve the quantitative nature of these measurements by relating tumor viability to total tumor mass. More data on sensitivity and specificity of FDG-PET technique are needed along with continued advancement of PET methodology.



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