All Sky Camera and Fabry-Perot Interferometer Observations in the Northern Polar Cap

  • Wu Qian (High Altitude Observatory, NCAR) ;
  • Killeen Timothy L. (High Altitude Observatory, NCAR) ;
  • Solomon Stanley C. (High Altitude Observatory, NCAR) ;
  • McEwen Donald J. (Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon) ;
  • Guo, Weiji (Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon)
  • 발행 : 2002.09.30


We report all sky camera and Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) observations of mesospheric gravity waves and a 12-hour wave at Resolute $(75^{\circ}N)$ and a joint observation of 10-hour wave with Eureka $(80^{\circ}N)$. All sky camera observations showed a low occurrence of mesosphere gravity waves during equinoxes, which is similar to the mid-latitude region. A slightly higher occurrence near solstice appears to indicate that gravity waves are not filtered out by the neutral wind in the winter. The FPI observation of a 12-hour wave showed amplitude variations from day to day. The phase of the wave is mostly stable and consistent with the GSWM prediction in the winter. The phase shifts with season as predicted by the GSWM. Four events of the 12-hour wave were found in spring with amplitudes larger than the GSW predictions. The FPls at Resolute and Eureka also observed a wave with period close to 10 hours. The 10-hour wave maybe the result of the non-linear interaction between the semi-diurnal tide and the quasi-two day wave. Further studies are under way. Overall, the combined Resolute and Eureka observation have revealed some new fractures about the mesospheric gravity wave, tidal wave, and other oscillations.



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