Decreasing Effect of Wet-Cupping at Daechu (대추, Dazhui:GVl4)-point on the Increase of Blood Pressure in Patients with Stroke

중풍환자의 혈압 상승에 대한 대추혈 사혈의 혈압 강하 효과

  • 신정애 (우석대학교 한의과대학 심계내과학교실) ;
  • 이영구 (우석대학교 한의과대학 심계내과학교실)
  • Published : 2002.09.01


Objectives : Daechu (Dazhui:GV14 (Governor Vessel 14))-point is located between the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra and that of the 1st thoracic vertebra. GV14 has been used to treat hypertension, high fever, neck pain, common cold, headache and so on. Hypertension often negatively affects the improvement of stroke patients. We investigated whether wet-cupping at GV14 had any effect of decreasing blood pressure (BP). Methods : In this study, 81 stroke patients were studied, from Oct. 2000 to Sept. 2001. They were composed of a Sample group (n=36) and Control group (n=45). The Sample group (n=36) was divided into Sample-Normal (n=9), Sample-Mild (n=7), Sample-Moderate (n=l1), and Sample-Severe group (n=9). The Control group (n=45) was divided into Control-Moderate (n=34) and Control-Severe group (n=ll). We checked blood pressure 5 times (just before treatment, then after 30,60, 90, and 120min. (2hrs.)) in each sample group and 3 times (baseline, after 30, and after 120min. (2hrs)) in the control group. Results : In a comparison of before-treatment BP and after-treatment BP in the sample group, SBP significantly decreased as time passed, while DBP slightly decreased but not significantly. In comparison of BP differences in each sample subgroup, BP slightly increased in the Sample-Normal group, but significantly decreased in the Sample-Mild, Sample-Moderate, and Sample-Severe groups. In comparison of BP differences between the sample and control groups, SBP and DBP of the sample group definitely decreased more than those of the control group, but not significantly. Conclusions : This study suggests that wet-cupping at GV14 has significant decreasing effectson blood pressure in stroke patients. Accordingly, we hope that this measure will be used more widely as an emergent treatment for increased blood pressure.



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