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- Br J Haematol. v.62 Aplastic anemia in the orient Young NS;Issaragrasil S;Chieh CW;Takaku F
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- 간계내과학 전국한의과대학 간계내과학교수(공저)
- Journal of Oriental Medicine v.2 no.1 The Effect of Juakium-derivative on Aplastic Anemia Kim Sun-min;Lee Jang-hoon;Woo Hong-jung
- 경희한의대 논문집 v.19 no.2 수 종 한약재가 마우스의 골수 및 비장세포의 조혈촉진과 방사선 방어에 미치는 영향 이능기;최승훈;안규석
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- Blood v.90 Thrombopoietin is synthesized by bone marrow cells Guerriero A;Worford L;Guo GR;Sheehan K;Waller EK
- Am. J. Hematol. v.66 no.3 Oral combination chemotheraphy in conjunction with filgrastim(G-CSF) in the treatment of AIDS-related non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; evaluation of the role of G-CSF ; quality-of-life analysis and long-term follow-up Remick SC;Sedransk N;Haase RF;Blanchard CG;Ramnes CR;Nazeer T;Mastrianni DM;Dezube BJ
- Korean J. Immunol. v.21 no.2 Effects of Korean traditional medicine on Murine Hematopoioesis 김승형;임종순
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- 경악전서(하) 장개빈
- 혈액학 서울대학교 의과대학
- 혈액학 권헌영;김영주;노명희;문홍만;송재옹;오현숙;정소웅;조경진
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- 장부변증논치 김완희;최달영
- 장상학 박찬국(편석)
- 정교황제내경 홍원식
- Annu Rev. Cell Biol. v.3 Growth and differentiation in the hemopoietic system Dexter TM;E Spooncer
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- J. Cell. Physiol. v.131 Recombinant murine granulocyte-macrophage (GM) colony-stimulating factor supports formation of GM and multipotenrial blast cell colonies in culture: comparison with the effects of interleukin-3. Koike K;Ogawa M;Ilhe JN;Miyake T;Shimizu T;Miyajima A;Yokota T;Arai K
- J. Exp. Med. v.167 no.6 Proliferation and differentiation of highly enriched mouse hematopoietic stem cells progenitor cells in response to defined growth factors Muller-Sieburg CE;Townsend K;Weissmann IL;Rennick D
- Blood v.85 no.7 Thrombo-poietin(c-mpl ligand) acts synergistically with erythropoietin, stem fell factor, and interleukin-11 to enhance murine magakaryocyte colony growth and increases magakaryocyte ploidy in vitro Broudy VC;Lin NL;Kaushansky K
- Cell Tissue. Kinet. v.15 no.5 Kinetic analysis of megakarycyte numbers and ploidy levels developing colonies from mouse bone marrow cells Williams N;Jackson H
- Blood v.73 no.3 Interacting cytokines regulate in vitro human megakaryocytopoiesis Bruno E;Miller ME;Hoffman R
- J. Clin. Invest. v.96 no.3 Thrombopoietin expands erythroid progenitors, increases red cell production and enhances erythroid recovery after myelosuppressive therapy Kaushansky K;Broudy VC;Grossmann A;Humes J;Lin N;Ren HP;Bailey MC
- Blood v.82 no.12 Hematopoietic regulators ; redundancy or subtlety? Metcalf D
- Annu. Rev. Immunol. v.7 Heterogeneity of mast cells and phenotypic change between subpopulations Kitamura Y
- Blood v.81 no.2 Maintenance of high levels of pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells in vitro: effects of stromal cells and c-kit Wineman JP;Nishikawa S;Muller-Sieburg CE
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- 古今名方 楊蘊祥
- 본초학 전국한의과대학 본초학교실
- 대한조혈모세포이식학회지 v.2 냉동 전 및 후에서 제대혈 CD34 양성 조혈모세포의 조혈기능 비교 전진우;홍대식;서원석;김숙자;박성규;원종호;백승호;이권해;박희숙;신상만
- Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA v.87 Positive and negative elements regulate human interleukin 3 expression Mathey-Prevot B;Andrews NC;Murphy HS;Kreissman SG;Nathan SG