한국 B2C 전자상거래의 저 성장 요인 연구 - 가격, 비용, 법률과 정책

An Study of Low Growth of B2C Electronic Commerce in South Korea - Price, Costs, Law and Policy

  • 박주상 (한국전자통신연구원 정보화기술연구소)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


As the Internet has been spread widely and rapidly in Korea since mid 1990s, the growth of electronic commerce was expected to be so at first. It was generally believed that the Internet and electronic commerce would increase the market efficiency and decrease the asymmetry of information. Electronic commerce seemed to replace the traditional market by lowering price and creating consumer-driven market, The actual situation of market, however, is not. The fact-finding research tells the different result that the amount of B2C electronic commerce in Korea is very small contrary to expectations. This study is for the analysis of low growth of B2C electronic commerce in Korea, and to find solutions.
