일부 고등학생들의 안전보건교육 및 안전사고 실태와 관련요인

The Status of Safety Accident and Safety Health Education and Risk Factors of Safety Accident among the selected High School Students

  • 한성현 (순천향대학교 자연과학대학 환경보건학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.03.01


In this study, it is aimed to clarify the status of safety accident and safety health education and risk factors on safety accidents among the selected high school students. The study is accomplished by the survey which includes a total of 558 students sampled from the six high school. The survey took for 10 days from the date of 3th July 2000 to 13th July 2000 and the results were as follows; 1. The rate of experience of safety health education during last one year was 26.4% and the rate of accident during last one month was 20.6%. 2. The risk factors of safety accident during last one year were understanding degree of safety health education(R.R.=2.81), experience of smoking(R.R.=2.55), educational level of mother (R.R=l.63) From the results of this study, we are to propose as follow; Because the purpose of safety health education is the practice, it is important to induce changing the recognition and behavior. Therefore the government have to build up experience place, to bring up professional teacher of safety health education. It need to develope a reference of each subject and to utilize various media. Especially it need to take of education comprehensive health and environmental inducing safety health subject.



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