Chemical Compositions of the Observed Precipitation in Forest Area on the Border of Highway(Shingal, Seochun)

고속도로변 산림지역(신갈, 서천) 강우의 화학적 조성

  • 김영채 (경희대학교 생명과학부 생명자원과학연구원) ;
  • 정동준 (경희대학교 생명과학부 생명자원과학연구원) ;
  • 김홍률 (경희대학교 생명과학부 생명자원과학연구원)
  • Published : 2002.12.01


Air pollution by acid pollutants is problematic in the whole world. Water acidification has already been deteriorating the forest ecosystem. This study was conducted to analyze the acidity and chemical composition of the open precipitation and throughfall at forests with various geographic locations in Korea. The results of this study are as follows; The open precipitation pH was lowest in Seochun. The throughfall pH showed some buffering capacity in only Quercus mongolica stands. In Pinus rigida(Shingal and Seochun) stands, there was little difference from the open precipitation. Chemical composition of the open precipitation for each sampling site showed that $Ca^{2+}$, N $H_{4}$$^{+}$ and S $O_{4}$$^{2-}$ concentrations had higher value than other ions, and except these ions, the small quantity of ions showed different properties to each site. Changes of ion concentrations in the throughfall showed a tendency to increase. ion concentrations of the throughfall increased with washout and nutrient leaching from the trees. In conclusion, the influence was extended to the pure zone, and the frequency of acid rain is increasing. But, if the deposition of pollutants exceeds the capacity of purification, it would damage forest ecosystem. Further investigations are necessary to identify tolerant tree species to acid pollutants.nts.



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