해풍시작에 영향을 미치는 지형성 강풍현상에 대한 고찰 -관측자료 분석-

Investigation for the Terrain Following Strong Wind Phenomenon Effecting to the Onset of Sea Breeze -Analysis of Observation Data-

  • 발행 : 2002.04.01


We would like to investigate the strong wind phenomenon effecting to the onset of a sea breeze. It is general the fact that the onset time of a sea breeze is mainly affected according to the distance from the coastline but we find the reversal fact. The onset time at Suyoung is faster than that at Haeundae in spite of the observation site of Suyoung is 5 m and that of Haeundae is 1 km away from the coastline. This is the reason that the nighttime air is converged the lower area by surface cooling and then it is strongly drained onto the lowest area, Suyoung river until the sunrise. it is proved by observation data at Suyoung and Haeundae.



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