Bioaccumulation Patterns and Responses of Fleece-flower; Persicaria thunbergii to Cadmium and Lead

  • Kim, In Sung (School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University) ;
  • Kang, Kyung Hong (School of Life Sciences, Jeonju University) ;
  • Lee, Eun Ju (School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2002.08.01


Application of phytoremediation in the polluted area to remove undesirable materials is a complex and difficult subject without detailed investigation and experimentation. We investigated the accumulation patterns of cadmium and lead in plants naturally grown, the bioavailability of plants to accumulate these toxic metals and the responses of P. thunbergii to cadmium and lead. The soil samples contained detectable lead (<$17.5_\mu$g/g), whereas cadmium was not detected in the soils of study area. The whole body of Persicaria thunbergii contained detectable lead (<320.$8_\mu$g/g/g) but cadmium was detected only in the stem (<7.$4_\mu$g/g/g) and root (<10.$4_\mu$g/g/g) of P. thunbergii. Cadmium was not detected in Trapa japonica and Nymphoides peltata, whereas lead was detected in T. japonica (<323.$7_\mu$g/g/g) and N. peltata (<177.$5_\mu$g/g/g). Correlation coefficient between lead content in soil and in these plant samples represented positive correlation. The total content of lead in each plant sample increased in the order of N. peltata$\leq$P. thunbergii



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피인용 문헌

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