A study on the quality of medical social work influenced by organizational culture of hospital

조직문화가 의료사회사업서비스의 질에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2002.12.01


In this study, the impact of organizational culture on the quality of social work services in hospitals were empirically analysed. A mailed questionnaire survey was conducted between February 19 and April 10, 2001. A sample of total 70 hospitals, including general hospitals with one social worker at least and single-department hospital with two social workers or more, were identified nationwide through the registry of Korean Association of Medical Social Workers and Korean Association of Hospitals. According to coping strategy and reacting pattern with the environmental changes, four types of organizational culture in each hospital, classified as group culture, developmental culture, hierarchial culture, and rational culture, were adopted for the independent variables. Three dimensional aspects of quality of social work service - structure, process, and outcome were selected as dependent variables in this study. Also the quality of social work service was distributed into provider-perceiving quality and consumer-perceiving quality The major findings were as following in summary; First, most social workers reported that the characteristic of culture in their hospitals are group culture the first, hierarchial culture the second, developmental culture the third, and rational culture finally in order of comparing the level of quality perceived between social worker's recognition. Second, service provider and consumer, The provider-perceiving quality showed less score than that of consumer, especially the lowest was the score of quality of outcome perceived by provider. Third, according to the types of organizational culture, there were significantly different levels of quality in total social work services, structure dimension and process dimension. The quality of outcome dimension did not show significant differences among the type of organizational culture. Finally, the most influential variables to the quality of social work service ice proved departmental form of social work unit, leader of social work unit, and developmental culture of hospital To assure quality services, accordingly, social work unit in hospital is required to be organized as a single unit, that means to be an independent department of which qualified social worker is supposed to control the unit. It is strongly recommended to develop leadership for the leaders of social work unit.



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