Journal of Photoscience
- Volume 9 Issue 3
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- Pages.37-40
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- 2002
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- 1225-8555(pISSN)
Radiation Biology in Space; DNA Damage and Biological Effects of Space Radiation
- Ohnishi, Takeo (Departments of Biology, Nara Medical University) ;
- Takahashi, Akihisa (Departments of Biology, Nara Medical University) ;
- Ohnishi, Ken (Departments of Biology, Nara Medical University)
- Published : 2002.12.01
Astronauts are constantly exposed to space radiation at a low-dose rate during long-tenn stays in space. Therefore, it is important to determine correctly the biological effects of space radiation on human health. Space radiations contain various kinds of different energy particles, especially high linear energy transfer (LET) particles. Therefore, we have to study the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of space radiation under microgravity environment which may change RBE from a stress for cells. Furthermore, the research about space radiation might give us useful information about birth and evolution of life on the earth. We also can realize the importance of preventing the ozone layer from depletion by use of exposure equipment to sunlight at International Space Station (ISS).
- space radiation;
- low dose-rate;
- high linear energy transfer radiations;
- relative biological effectiveness