해상운송인의 책임기간에 관한 고찰

A Study on the Period of Carrie's Responsibility

  • 조종주 (창원대학교 경상대학 무역학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


This study focuses on analysing the period of carrier's responsibility. The Hague Rules apply only while the cargo is in carriage. This period of carrier's responsibility begins when the ship' tackle is hooked on the goods for loading and continues until they are unhooked from the lifting gear after discharge. The Hague Rules are consequently said to apply from tackle to tackle. Also The Hamburg Rules lays down the basic principle that the carrier will be responsible for the goods during the time he is in charge of them at the port of loading, during the carriage and at the port of discharge. These period of carrier's responsibility should be determinated according to custom of the port of loading and discharge because of the importance of local custom in the loading and discharge of goods.
