어머니와의 촉진적 의사소통이 여고생이 지각한 가족응집성, 가족적응성, 어머니 취업여부 만족도에 미치는 영향 -서울지역 일반계 여고생을 중심으로-

The Influence of Mother-Daughter's Facilitative Communication on High School Daughter's Family Cohesion, Family Adaptability, & Satisfaction of Mother's Working or Non-Working Status

  • 발행 : 2002.09.01


This research aims to examine the influence of facilitative communication between mother and high school daughter on daughter's perceived family cohesion, family adaptability, and satisfaction of mother's working or non-working status. In order to verify statistically the research questions above, experimental tools were made for each variable, and Cluster Sampling with Stratification was conducted among high school girls in Seoul. A total of 670 questionnaire sheets were administered to 13 high schools for girls in December 2001, and only 501 sheets were used for data analysis. The SPSS 10.0 package was used for factor analysis, reliability analysis, multiple regression analysis. The following results were obtained: 1) Mother-high school daughter's facilitative communication significantly influences daughter's perceived family cohesion. In general, mother-high school daughter's facilitative communication had R square of 27.6% with regards to daughter's perceived family cohesion. 2) Mother-high school daughter's facilitative communication significantly influences daughter's perceived family adaptability. In general, mother-high school daughter's facilitative communication had R square of 25.3% with regards to daughter's perceived family adaptability. 3) Mother-high school daughter's facilitative communication significantly influences daughter's perceived satisfaction of mother's working of non-working status. In general, mother-high school daughter's facilitative communication had R square of 24.0% with regards to daughter's perceived satisfaction of mother's working status, and 7.4% with regards to non-working status.



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