성인전기 남성의 부부애착이 직무애착 및 헌신, 직무의 질과 아내를 위한 지지에 미치는 영향

Effect of Spousal Attachment on Job Attachment/Commitment, Job Quality, and the Support Provided for Wife in Male Early Adulthood

  • 황은 (이화여자대학교 소비자 인간발달학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.11.01


The purpose of this study is to analyse the effect of spousal attachment on job attachment/commitment, job quality, and the support provided for wife in male early adulthood. The research method was survey research. Based on adult attachment approach, the hypothesis was established. The secure attachment with spouse was no significant effect on job attachment/commitment, The anxious-avoident attachment with spouse was no significant effect on job attachment/commitment, and The anxious-ambivalent attachment with spouse was significant negative effect on job attachment/commitment. The secure attachment with spouse was significant positive effect on job quality. The anxious-avoident attachment with spouse as no significant effect on job quality, and The anxious-ambivalent attachment with spouse was significant negative effect on job quality. The secure attachment with spouse was significant positive effect on ordinary support for wife, The anxious-avoident attachment with spouse was significant negative effect on ordinary support for wife, and The anxious-ambivalent attachment with spouse was no significant effect on ordinary support for wife. The secure attachment with spouse was significant positive effect on nonordinary for wife, The anxious-avoident attachment with spouse was significant negative effect on nonordinary support for wife, and The anxious-ambivalent attachment with spouse was no significant effect on nonordinary support for wife. The results was discussed on the importance of spousal attachment for healthy job life and family life.



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