실용적 첨단유도법칙 개발을 위한 고려사항

Considerations in Practical Advanced Guidance Law Development

  • 발행 : 2002.05.01


Many modern guided weapon systems employ sophisticated target sensors as well as powerful computing systems. Due to such advanced features, they are required to achieve better guidance accuracy, and at the same time other guidance objectives for better weapon effectiveness and survivability. In this paper, we overview some of the technical considerations in such advanced guidance algorithm development, and briefly look at some related research works. More specifically, we discuss impact angle control, time-varying nature of the guidance system, time-to-go estimation, guidance loop stability, effect of autopilot lag and physical limitations in control variables, parasitic paths in guidance loops, etc. We also briefly look at some advanced concepts such as integrated guidance and control loop design, target adaptive guidance, guidance law development based on dual control concept, and terminal evasive maneuver.



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