Screening of Fungicides for the Control of Colletotrichum acutatum in Carthamus tintorious L.

홍화 탄저병 방제 약제 선발

  • Published : 2002.10.01


This study was carried out to select fungicides which are effective for the control of anthracnose disease of Carthamus tintorious L. caused by Cottetotrichum acutatum. Eive chemicals, i.e., thiophanate-methyl$.$triflumizole, iminoctadinetris$.$thiram, metiram, bitertanol$.$propineb, metalaxyl$.$dithianon were treated to Cheongiu native variety for the test of control effect. The results obtained were summarized as the follows; No. of harvested plants per ㎡ was most in iminoctadinetris$.$thiram and its value showed 21.2 compared with 16.8 in control. Iminoctadinetris$.$thiram and metiram were most effective to control the disease and their contyol values were 57.2%, and 49.4%, respectively. Chemical injury of five chemicals was not occurred at the double-diluted solution treatment. Seed yield was 47∼48% higher in iminoctadinetris$.$thiram and metiram than 75 kg/10 a in control.

홍화 탄저병에 방제 효과가 높은 약제를 선발하고자 지오판.리프졸 수화제 등 5종의 약제에 대하여 약효 및 약해시험을 실시한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1, $m^2$당 수확주수는 무처리 16.8주에 비하여 이미녹타딘트리스치람 수화제 처리에서 21.2주로 가장 많았다. 2. 이미녹타딘트리스치람 수화제와 메티람과립 수화제 처리시 방제가가 49.4~57.2%를 나타내어 효과적 이었다. 3. 약해는 시험약제 5종이 모두 기준량과 배량처리에서 약해가발생하지 않았다. 4.홍화 종실수량은 무처리 75 kg/10a에 비하여 이미 녹타딘트리스치람 수화제와 메티람과립 수화제 처리에서 47~48% 증수되었다.



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