과학기술연구개발활동조사의 개선방안 -기업부문을 중심으로-

Policies for Improving the Survey of Research and Development in Science and Technology: The Case of Industrial Sector

  • 발행 : 2002.07.01


The survey of research and development (R&D) in science and technology (S&T) covers the current status of R&D activities in S&T in Korea, and provides a basis for decision making regarding S&T policy. Continuous improvement of the survey is widely needed to present reliable national basic statistics. Therefore, the purpose of the study is two-fold: to introduce sampling survey method in industrial sector and to make statistical technique to deal with non-response data from industrial sector. To these ends, first, case studies of the United States and Japan are illustrated. A new sampling design for the R&D survey is proposed and implementing stratified random sampling scheme is suggested. Moreover, statistical analysis of the non-response data is dealt with. Based on several screening criteria, we develop a new imputation method suitable for the R&D survey and also provide more detailed implementation plan. Various solutions to a problem arising from non-response item are also presented. Finally, some implications of the results are discussed.



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  3. 한국보건통계학회지 v.19 no.1 표본조사에서 무응답처리를 위한 통계기법 고찰 김유진;이승욱
  4. 표본조사법 김종호
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  7. 응용통계연구 v.12 no.1 수산물 비계통 생산량 조사를 위한 표본설계 연구 박진우
  8. 서울시립대학교 산업기술연구소 논문집 v.7 표본조사에서 무응답자료처리를 위한 임퓨테이션 방법 등의 비교연구 배성우;오형재
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  11. 응용통계연구 v.11 no.2 가축통계 표본조사설계 윤기중;박상언
  12. 응용통계연구 v.10 no.2 노동통계조사를 위한 표본설계 : 매월노동통계조사, 노동력수요동향조사를 중심으로 이기재;전종우
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  16. 기업경영분석 한국은행
  17. 응용통계연구 v.12 no.2 산업재해의 효율적 분석을 위한 표본설계 황진수
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