Hewitt Realcompactification and Basically Disconnected Cover

  • 발행 : 2002.09.01


We show that if the Stone-Cech compactification of $\textit{AX}$ and the minimal basically disconnected cove. of $\beta$Χ we homeomorphic and every real $\sigma$$Z(X)^#$-ultrafilter on X has the countable intersection property, then there is a covering map from $\nu$(ΛΧ) to $\nu$Χ and every real $\sigma$$Z(X)^#$-ultrafilter on Χ has the countable intersection property if and only if there is a homeomorphism from the Hewitt realcompactification of ΛΧ to the minimal basically disconnected space of $\nu$Χ.



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