수학적 개념의 명료성에 대한 일고 I

  • 한찬욱 (서경대학교 수리정보통계학부)
  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


In this paper, we critically survey the mathematical Platonism in respect to its abstract, ahistorical, asocial and acultural character. The uncertainty of man's concepts is investigated with special attention to evolutionary theory, philosophical and epistemological developments regarding the cognitive unconsciousness and the embodied mind. We research into the implication of the Darwin machine theory for human consciousness and Wittegenstein's philosophy of mathematics.



  1. 언어와 행동 Bickerton, D.
  2. 지능은 어떻게 진화하는가 Calvin, W.H.
  3. Descartes' Error Damas, A.
  4. 수학적 경험 상 . 하 Davis, P.J.;R. Hersh
  5. Consciousness Explained Dennett, D.C.
  6. Social Constructivism as a Philosophy of Mathematics Ernest, P.
  7. The Story of American Freedom Foner, E.
  8. The World of Mathematics v.3 The crisis in intuition Hahn, H.;J.R. Newman(ed.)
  9. What is Mathematics Really? Hersh, R.
  10. Japan Who Governs? Johnson, C.
  11. Philosophy in the Flesh Lakoff, G.;M.Johnson
  12. The World of Mathematics v.3 The essence of mathematics Peirce, C.S.
  13. How the Mind Works Pinker, S.
  14. Personal Knowledge Polanyi, M.
  15. ad Infinitum Rotman, B.
  16. Mathematics as Sign Rotman, B.
  17. 인지과학의 철학적 이해 Varela;Thomson;Rosch
  18. Thought and Language Vygotsky, L.S.