세괴와 세괴 재생핵에 대한 역사적 고찰

  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


Gator Szego was one of the most brilliant Mathematicians. Mathematical science owes him several fundamental contributions in such fields as theory of functions of a complex variables, conformal mapping, Fourier series, theory of orthogonal polynomials, and many others. He wrote the famous Polya-Szego Problems and Theorem in Analysis which is the two volume of concentrated mathematical beauty. In this paper, we mention Szego's life, Szego's work, and Szego reproducing kernel.



  1. Gabor Szego: Collected papers v.1 An Overview of Szego's Mathematics Askey, R.
  2. The Mathematical Intelligencer v.18 Gabor Szego: 1895-1985 Askey, R.;P. Nevai
  3. The Cauchy Transform, Potential Theory, and Conformal Mapping Bell, S.
  4. Function Theory of Several Complex Variables Krantz, S.
  5. Gabor Szego. Collected papers v.1 On my Cooperation with Gabor Szego Polya, G.
  6. Problems and Theorems in Analysis I-II Polya, G.;G. Szego
  7. AMS Colloquium Publications v.23 Orthogonal polynomials Szego, G.
  8. Gabor Szego. Collected papers v.1-3 Szego, G.