원뿔곡선 이론의 발달

  • 이종희 (이화여자대학교 수학교육과)
  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


The purpose of this study is to explore historical development of conic sections and analyze formal aspects, application aspects and intuitive aspects in conic sections. We suggest implication for learning-teaching conic sections.



  1. 대한 수학교육학회 수학교육 연구 발표대회 논문집 학교 수학에서의 다양한 정의 방법과 교수학적 의의 강홍규;조영미
  2. 수학사 대전 김용운;김용국
  3. 수학의 세계 박세희
  4. 수학학습-지도 원리와 방법 우정호
  5. 서울대학교 대학원 박사학위논문 Freudenthal의 수학화 학습-지도론 연구 정영옥
  6. 수학의 역사 상하 Boyer, C.B.;양영오;조윤동(역)
  7. For the Learning of Mathematics v.19 Semiotic mediation: from history to the classroom Bussi, M.;Mariotti, M.A.
  8. What Is Mathematics Courant, Robbinson
  9. PH.D. Dissertation, Cornell University Historical Perspectives for the Reform of Mathematics Curriculum: Geometric Curve Drawing Devices and Their Roll in the Transition to an Algebraic Description of Functions Dennis, D.
  10. Designing Learning Environments for Developing Understanding of Geometry and Space Geometry curve-drawing devices as an alternative approach to analytic geometry: An analysis of the methods, voic, and epistemology of high school senior Dennis, D.;Confrey, J.
  11. 수학의 위대한 순간들 Eves, H.;허민;오혜영(역)
  12. Educational Studies in Mathematics v.24 The theory of figural concepts Fischbein, E.
  13. Didactics of Mathematics as Scientific Discipline The interaction between the formal, the algorithmic, and the intuitive compents in a mathematical activity Fischbein, E.
  14. Mathematics Magizine v.63 Durer's paradox or an ellipse is not egg-shaped Herz-Fischer, R.
  15. 어떻게 문제를 풀 것인가 Polya, G.;우정호(역)
  16. Mathematical Applications of Conic Sections in Problem Solving in Ancient Greece and Medieval Islam Sinclair, N.M.
  17. Learning and Teaching Geometry v.K-12 Conic Sections: An exciting enrichment topic Teukolsky, R.