다족 보행로봇의 속도작업공간 해석

A Workspace Analysis Method of Multi-Legged Walking Robot in the Velocity Domain

  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


This paper deals with a workspace analysis of multi-legged walking robots in velocity domain(velocity workspace analysis). Noting that when robots are holding the same object in multiple cooperating robotic arm system the kinematic structure of the system is basically the same with that of a multi-legged walking robot standing on the ground, we invented a way ot applying the technique for multiple arm system to multi-legged walking robot. An important definition of reaction velocity is made and the bounds of velocities achievable by the moving body with multi-legs is derived from the given bounds on the capabilities of actuators of each legs through Jacobian matrix for given robot configuration. After some assumption of hard-foot-condition is adopted as a contact model between feet of robot and the ground, visualization process for the velocity workspace is proposed. Also, a series of application examples will be presented including continuous walking gaits as well as several different stationary posture of legged walking robots, which validate the usefulness of the proposed technique.



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