제과.제빵 종사자의 품질관리 인식에 관한 연구 -서울지역을 중심으로-

A Study on the Quality Management percept ion of Baking′s Staffs

  • 강석우 (대구보건대학 보건계열)
  • 발행 : 2002.04.01


As result of analysis of the importance in this study majority the answerers indicated as recognize it important and indicated that shows difference in average among the groups. In the age there was difference among group by marketing quality and symbolic quality of menu was indicated and in the symbolic quality factor of menu as the younger age indicate much more important. There was no factor indicates do florence in average among groups subject to educational degree however, in the marketing quality and symbolic quality of the menu the higher academic degree regards it higher as indicated. As a result of difference analysis subject to channel of education it indicated as appearance of difference among the groups among factors of internal quality, marketing quality and symbolic quality of the menu. The average among groups subject to number of consecutive years indicated as there is difference by factors of external quality, internal quality, marketing qualify and symbolic quality of the menu and, the service group between 15~20 years as longer servicing period evaluate lower.
