중년 여성의 노화 체험

Lived Experience with Aging in Middle-Aged Woman


This study was to explore lived experience of middle-aged women with aging. The ultimate purpose of this inquiry was to discover the essence of middle-aged women's experience of aging and to promote understanding. Method: This inquiry was performed by using Van Manen's hermeneutical phenomenological approach to make more plausible interpretation of experience. First-handed experiences were explored through multi-stage in-depth interview with 6 women aged between 40 and 64. Second- handed experiences were explored with text such as essay, novel, and photographs. Result: As the process of reflecting and analysing the data of experience were performed, essential themes were emerged: striking onset of event, discomfort and tired body and mind, everything in ones mind, age of harvest gaining much more than loss. Conclusion: This inquiry would be a cornerstone for humanistic nursing care for the mid-aged women.



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