운동요법, 운동.행동수정요법이 중년 비만여성의 비만도, 혈중지질 및 자아존중감에 미치는 효과

The Effects of Exercise Therapy and Exercise-Behavior Modification Therapy on Obesity, Blood Lipids, and Self-esteem of the Obese Middle-aged Women

  • 김인홍 (동국대학교 의과대학 간호학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


To examine the effect of the exercise therapy, and exercise-behavior modifi- cation therapy on obesity, blood lipids and self-esteem of the obese middle-aged women. Method: A total of 35 middle-aged women (BMI: over 30) were selected for this research. Walking at a 50% intensity was administered 4 days a week for 12 weeks, while the behavior modification therapy performed for 60~90 minutes per week for 12 weeks. Result: Body weight and BMI has significantly reduced in the case of EG and E BG. The result of comparing body weight between groups showed significant difference between EG and CG, and E BG and CG whereas BMI showed significant difference between EG and CG only. TC, TG, LDL-C, %TC/HDL-C have shown significant decrease in EG and E-BG, while HDL-C displayed significant increase in EG and E BG. And HDL-C showed significant decrease in CG. As for comparison between groups, significant difference was noted in EG and CG, and E BG and CG at TC, HDL-C, LDL-C, and in EG and CG at %TC/HDL-C. Self-esteem displayed significant increase in EG and E BG; however, there was no significant different in CG. As for comparison between groups, there was significant difference noted in E BG and CG only. Conclusion: The results showed that the exercise therapy and the exercise-behavior modification therapy were effective in changing obesity, blood lipids and self-esteem of the obese middle-aged women.



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