모바일 오피스 서비스 지원을 위한 ADSRC 패킷 통신 시스템

  • Published : 2002.09.01


In this paper, we introduce an ADSRC(hdvanced DSRC) OFDM packet communication system which has been developed by ETRI. The ADSRC system is targeted to provide high terminal mobility, high data rate and seamless service in roadside environment for mobile office services. We discuss the requirements of the ADSRC communication system for mobile office services, and the system design specification to meet them with regard to air interface. The ADSRC packet communication systems consist of the MAC processor block, the OFDM packet modem block and the RF block. The MAC processor block handles medium access control and the test. The OFDM packet modem transmits data packets at up to 24Mbps adaptively and recovers the data from RF block. We describe the ADSRC packet communication system architecture and the ADSRC system protocol.



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  3. B. Lee, C. Yim, D. Ahn, D. Oh.'Performance evaluation of the physical layer of the DSRC operating in 5.8GHz frequency band.' ETRI Journal, vo1.23, no.3. 2001 South Korea pp.121-8 https://doi.org/10.4218/etrij.01.0101.0304