Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of RPV Clad by Small Punch Tests

  • Lee, Joo-Suk (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Kim, In-Sup (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
  • Published : 2002.12.01


The microstructural characteristics and its related mechanical properties of RPV cladding have been investigated using small punch (SP) tests. SA508 Cl.3 RPV steel plates were overlay cladded with the type ER309L welding consumables by submerged arc welding process. Although the RPV clad material had a small portion of 5 ferrite phase, it still showed the ductile to brittle transition behavior The transition temperature was determined by the SP test and it depended on the content of $\sigma$ phase, specimen size, and determination methods. The fracture appearance of SP specimen was changed from circumferential to radial cracking as test temperature became low, and below the transition temperature region, ER309L cladding usually fractured along the 6 ferrite by the low temperature failure of ferrite phase.



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