Abundant information about analyses of single steam generator tube rupture (SGTR) events is available because of its importance in terms of safety. However, there are few literatures available on analyses of multiple steam generator tube rupture (MSGTR) events. In addition, knowledge of transients and consequences following a MSGTR event are very limited as there has been no occurrence of MSGTR event in the commercial operation of nuclear reactors. In this study, a postulated MSGTR event in an APR1400 is analyzed using thermal-hydraulic system code MARSI.4. The present study aims to examine the effects of affected steam generator selection. The main steam safety valve (MSSV) lift time for four cases are compared in order to examine how long operator response time is allowed depending on which steam generate. (S/G) is affected. The comparison shows that the cases where two steam generators are simultaneously affected allow longer time for operator action compared with the cases where a single steam generator is affected. Furthermore, the tube ruptures in the steam generator where a pressurizer is connected leads to the shortest operator response time.