Life Table Studies of Leaf Roller, Diaphania pulveruleutalis (Hampson) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) - A Major Pest of Mulberry

  • Rajadurai, S. (Pest Management Laboratory, Central Sericultural Research and Traning Institute) ;
  • Bhattacharya, S. (Pest Management Laboratory, Central Sericultural Research and Traning Institute) ;
  • Shekhar, M.A. (Pest Management Laboratory, Central Sericultural Research and Traning Institute)
  • 발행 : 2002.09.01


Mulberry leaf roller, Diaphania pulverulentalis (Hampson), is a major pest of mulberry, Morus alba. The life table construction from present investigation reveals the age specific survival $(1_{x)}$ and the age specific fecundity $(m_{x})$ of the pest. The female contributed the highest egg production $(m_{x} = 12.75)4 in the life cycle on the $27^{th}$ day and the lowest $(m_{x} = 0.8)$ on the 37$^{th}$ day of the pivotal age. The female progeny production was observed to be intensive for the first six days after the preoviposition period, beyond which it declines steadily, The fecundity of D. pulverulentalis varies between 60-140. The first female mortality within the cohort occurred 4 days after the adult emergence and mortality increased thereafter, One generation is completed in 33.08 days. The female dominated sex ratio (1: 7.18 days) was recorded.



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