Studies on Pollution Characteristics and Sources of Precipitation in Jeiu Island

  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


The pH, electric conductivity. and the major ionic components were analyzed for the precipitation samples collected at 1100 Site of Mt. Halla and Jeju city. The quality of analytical data was verified by the comparison of ion balances, conductivities and acid fractions, all of which correlation coefficients were over 0.952. The ionic strengths lower than 10$^{-4}$ M were found in 57 and 28% at 1100 Site and Jeju city respectively. The precipitation in Jeju city was influenced more by the oceanic effect than those in 1100 Site. The acidification of precipitation was caused mostly by S $O_4$$^{2-}$and N $O_3$$^{[-10]}$ in both areas, and the organic acids have contributed to the acidity with only 7~8%. The neutralization factors by N $H_3$ were about 44 and 47% at the 1100 site and the Jeju city, respectively, whereas those by CaC $O_3$were 21 and 24%, and the free acidity were about 38 and 28% at two sites. From the investigation of seawater and soil enrichment factors, the S $O_4$$^{2-}$, N $O_3$$^{[-10]}$ and N $E_4$$^{+}$ were immigrated by other sources rather than from the seawater or soil origins. but not in the case of $Mg^{2+}$, C $l^{[-10]}$ , N $a^{+}$, and $K^{+}$. Factor analysis has shown that the precipitation at the 1100 site had been influenced mostly by anthropogenic sources, followed by soil and sea-water sources. On the other hand, the precipitation at the Jeju city was mainly influenced by oceanic sources, followed by anthropogenic and soil sources.urces.



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