Beyond robust design: an example of synergy between statistics and advanced engineering design

  • Barone, Stefano (University degli Studi di Palermo-DTMPIG) ;
  • Erto, Pasquale (University degli Studi di Napoli Federico Ⅱ-Dipartmento di Progettazione Aeronautica) ;
  • Lanzotti, Antonio (University degli Studi di Napoli Federico Ⅱ-Dipartmento di Progettazione Aeronautica)
  • Published : 2002.12.01


Higher efficiency and effectiveness of Research & Development phases can be attained using advanced statistical methodologies. In this work statistical methodologies are combined with a deterministic approach to engineering design. In order to show the potentiality of such integration, a simple but effective example is presented. It concerns the problem of optimising the performances of a paper helicopter. The design of this simple device is not new in quality engineering literature and has been mainly used for educational purposes. Taking full advantage of fundamental engineering knowledge, an aerodynamic model is originally formulated in order to describe the flight of the helicopter. Screening experiments were necessary to get first estimates of model parameters. Subsequently, deterministic evaluations based on this model were necessary to set up further experimental phases needed to search (or a better design. Thanks to this integration of statistical and deterministic phases, a significant performance improvement is obtained. Moreover, the engineering knowledge かms out to be developed since an explanation of the “why” of better performances, although approximate, is achieved. The final design solution is robust in a broader sense, being both validated by experimental evidence and closely examined by engineering knowledge.



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