Effects of Physical Characteristics on a Nutrient-Chlorophyll Relationship in Korean Reservoirs

  • Hwang, Soon-Jin (Department of Rural Engineering, Konkuk University) ;
  • Jeon, Ji-Hong (Department of Rural Engineering, Konkuk University) ;
  • Ham, Jong-Hwa (Department of Rural Engineering, Konkuk University) ;
  • Kim, Ho-Sub (Department of Rural Engineering, Konkuk University)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


This study was performed to evaluate effects of physical characteristics of both watershed and reservoir on nutrient-chlorophyll relationship in Korean reservoirs. Simple linear models were developed with published data in Korea including 415 reservoirs and 11 multi-purpose dams, and physico-chemical parameters of reservoirs and characteristics relationship of models were analyzed. Theoretical residence time in Korean reservoirs was strongly correlated with the ratio of TA/ST (drainage area + surface area / storage volume) in the logarithmic function. As a result of monthly nutrients-chlorophyll-a regression analysis, significant Chl-a-TP relationship appeared during May~July. The high Chl-a yields per total phosphorus appeared during this time (R$\^$2/=0.51, p<0.001, N= 1088). Chlorophyll-a demonstrated much stronger relationship with TP. than TN. Seasonal algal-nutrient coupling were closely related with N:P ratio in the reservoir water, and it was, in turn, dependent on the monsoon climatic condition (precipitation). Based on the results of regression analysis and high N:P ratio, a major limiting factor of algal growth appeared to be phosphorus during this time. Unlikely TA/ST ratio, DA/SA ratio (drainage area f surface area) was likely to influence directly on the nutrient-Chl-a relationship, indicating that if storage volume and inflowing water volume were the same, algal biomass could be developed more in reservoirs with large surface area. Thus, DA/SA ratio seemed to be an important factor to affect the development of algal biomass in Korean reservoirs. With low determination coefficient of TP-Chl-a relationship, our findings indicated not only nutrient (phosphorus) but also other physical factors, such as DA/SA ratio, may affect algal biomass development in Korean reservoirs, where actual residence time appears to be more closely related to reservoir surface area rather than storage volume.



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