PMSG와 hCG 병용투여에 의해 인공발정 유기된 진도개에서 질상피세포 변화상

Changes of Vaginal Epithelial Cells in Korea Jin-do Bitches after Induction of Estrus with PMSG and hOG

  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


Estrus was induced in 13 anestrus Korea Jin-do bitches by intramuscular injection of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) in a dose of 500 lU once daily for ten consecutive days, followed by an additional single intraveneous injection of 1,000 lU of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) on the tenth day. Day-changes of vaginal epithelial cells during the hormone treatment were investigated in each experimental bitches and compared with the those of spontaneous estrus bitches. The first days of vulval bleeding and male acceptance after PMSG treatment were on Day 6.0$\pm$ 1.5 (mean$\pm$ SD) and Day 9.0$\pm$ 1.9, respectively. And in all of 13 bitches, vulval swelling and perineal reflex were shown. The mean durations of proestrus and estrus were 2.9$\pm$ 1.4 (mean$\pm$ SD, range ; 1-6) and 11.5: 1.7 (range ; 8-14) days, respectively, that is, duration of proestrus was significantly shorter than that of the spontneous estrous bitches but duration of estrus was longer than that of the spontaneous estrous bitches. Characteristic features of vaginal cytology during the estrous cycle were the high proportions of large intermediate cell, superficial cell, anuclear cell and erythrocyte in proestrus, superficial cell and anuclear cell in estrus and parabasal cell, small intermediate, large intermediate cell, and leukocyte in diestrus, respectively. The comification index (Cl) was significantly high proportion in proestrus and estrus, when Day 0 was timed from the first day of male acceptance, the Cl was first increased above 80% on Day 0 and maintained above 80% until Day 0 to Day 5 during 6 days and showed a peak on Day 2. Also it was maintained above 90% until Day 2 to Day 3 during 2 days. These results indicated that all 13 ekperimental bitches showed positive estrus detection by the estrus behavior and vaginal smear test after treated with PMSG and hCC. It suggested that vaginal cytology was used to estimate the optimal mating and ovulation time, in consideration of the day when the Cl was maintained above 80% in estrus-induced Korea Jin-do bitches.



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