- Vet Med Small Animal Clinician A surgical method for collecting canine embryos aftr induction of estrus and ovulation with exogenous gonadotropins Archbald LF;Baker BA;Clooney LL;Godke RA
- J Reprod Fert (Suppl) v.39 Effect of duration of PMSG treatment on induction of oestrus, pregnancy rates and the complications of hyperoestrogenism in dogs Arnold S;Arnold P;Concannon PW;Weilenmann R;Hubler M;Casal M;Dobeli;Fairburn A;Eggenberger E;Rusch P
- Vet Rec v.88 Erythrocytes and leukocytes in the vaginal smears of the beagle bitch Bell ET;Christie DW
- Theriogenology v.35 Determination of ovulation time in bitches based on teasing, vaginal cytology, and ELISA for progesterone Bouchard GF;Solorzano N;Concannon PW;Youngquist RS;Bierscheal CJ
- Am J Vet Res v.49 Use of pulsatil intravenous administration of gonadotrophin releasing hormone to induce fertile estrus in bitches Cain JL;Cain GR;Feldmen EC;Lasley BL;Stabenfelt GH
- Br Vet J v.140 Induction of ovarian activity in anoestrous beagle bitches Chaffauzx S;Locci D;Pontois M;Deletang F;Thibier M.
- Reproduction in the dog and cat(1st ed) Breeding and mating Christiansen IJ
- Br Vet J v.128 Classification of cell types in vaginal smears during the canine oestrous cycle Christie DW;Bailey JB;Bell ET
- J Reprod Fert(Suppl) v.39 Induction of fertile oestrus in anoestrous dogs by constant infusion of GnRH agonist Concannon PW
- Biol Reprod v.17 progesterone and sexual behavior associatedl with preovulatory luteinization in the bitch Concannon PW;Hansel W;McEntee K;Change in LH
- Current Veterinary Therapy XI Methods for rapid induction of fertile estrus in dogs Concannon PW;Kirk RW;Bonagura JD
- Current veterinary therapy(10th ed) Hormonal and clinical correlates of ovarian cycles, ovulation, pseudopregnancy and pregnancy in dogs Concanon PW;Lein DH
- J Reprod Fert v.39 Biology and endocrinology of ovulation, pregnancy and parturition in the dog Concannon PW;McCann JP;Temple M
- Vet Rec v.129 ELISA determination of whole blood and plasma progesterone concentrations in the bitches Elgland GCW
- J Reprod Fert v.93 Repeatability of events during spontaneous and gonadotrophin induced oestrus in bitches England GCW;Allen WE
- Vet Rec v.125 A comparison of radioimmunoassay with quantitative and qualitative enzymelinked immunoassay for plasma progesterone detection in bitches England GCW;Allen WE
- Canine and feline endocrinology and reproduction(2st ed) Ovarian cycle and vaginal cytology Feldman EC;Nelson RW
- Canine and feline endocrinology and reproduction(2st ed) Canine female reproduction Feldman Ec;Nelson RW
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- J Reprod Fert (Suppl) v.47 Comparison of induction of oestrus in dogs using metergoline, metergoline plus human chorionic gonadotrophin, or pregnant mares serum gonadotrophin Kusuma PS;Tainturier D.
- Induction of estrus in bitches with exogenous gonadotropins, and pregnancy rate and blood progesterone profiles v.47 Nakao T;Aoto Y;Fukushima S;Moriyoshi M;Kawata K.
- Vet Quart v.13 Influence of litter size and breed on variation in length of gestation in the dog Qkkens AC;Hekerman TWN;De Vogel JWA;van Haaften B
- In vivo investigation of luteal function in dogs: effects of cabergoline, a dopamine agonist, and prolaction on progesterone secretion during mid-pregnancy and diestrus v.14 Onclin K;Verstegen JP
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.171 Effects of exogenous follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone in bitches Paisley LG;Fahning ML
- Can Vet J v.26 Canine vaginal cytology during the estrous cycle Post K
- Can Vet J v.31 The evaluation of an enzyme immunoassay for the assesment of progesterone in canine plasma Post K
- J Small Anim Pract v.8 Canine vaginal cytology; Technique and cytological morphology Schutte AP
- J Small Anim Pract v.b no.8 Canine vaginal cytology; Cyclic changes Schutte AP
- J Small Anim Pract v.c no.8 Canine vaginal cytology; Compilation and evaluation of cellular indices Schutte AP
- Current therapy in theriogenology(ed.) Clinical reproductive physiology in dog Shille VM;Stabenfeldt GH
- JAVMA v.184 Efforts to induce estrus in the bitch, using pituitary goandotropins Shille VM;Thatcher MJ;Simmons KJ
- Am J Vet Res v.38 Induction of estrus and ovulation in the bitch using exogenous gonadotropins Thun R;Watson P;Jackson GL
- Jpn J Anim Reprod v.21 Studies on the physiology of reproduction in the dog; Observation of vaginal smear in estrous cycle Tsutsui T
- Theriogenology v.51 Effect of stage of anestrus on the induction of estrus by the dopamine agonist cabergoline in dogs Verstegen JP;Onclin K;Silva LD;Concannon PW
- Am J Vet Res v.53 Ultrasonographic appearance of the ovaries of dogs during the follicular and luteal phases of the estrous cycle Wallace SS;Mahaffer MB;Miller DM;Thompson FN;Chakraborty PK
- J Reprod Fert (Suppl) v.39 Ultrasonographic apprarance of the dog ovary during follicular and early Iuteal phases Wallace SS;Mahaffer MB;Miller DM;Thompson FN;Chakraborty PK
- Estrus induction in bitches by the administration of PMSG and HCG v.135 Weienmann R;Amold S;Dobeli M;Rusch P;Zerobin K
- J Small Anim Pract v.31 Application of vaginal cytology and plasma progesterone determinations to the management of reproduction in the bitch Wright PJ
- Aust Vet J v.56 The induction of oestrus and ovulation in the bitch using pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin and human chorionic gonadotrophia Wright PJ
- 대한수의학회지 v.28 인공적 발정유기견의 질세포상에 관한 연구 강병규;최한선;나진수;손창호;오기석;이차범
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.17 진돗개에서 발정주기 동안 질세포상과 번식호르몬의관계 김정훈;정경아;강현구;오기석;박인철;박상국;한호재;손창호
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.13 진도개에서 발정주기, 교배적기 및 배란시기 판정을 위한 질세포검사의 이용성 손창호;백인석;신창록;최한선;강병규
- 대한수의학회지 v.36 진도개에서 임신일령에 따른 임신구조물의 초음파상; 태아 및 태아외구조물의 최초 관찰시기 손창호;신창록;강병규;최한선
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.13 인공발정유도견에서 질상피세포의 변화 유일정;김용준;지동범