본 연구는 침술이 개의 위 운동성에 미치는 효과에 관하여 알아보기 위하여 실시하였다. 건강한 잡종견 6두의 유문부 근층에 전극을 장착한 후 위근전도를 (electrogastromyograms, EGMG) 기록하여 위 운동성을 평가하였다. 침술은 ST-36, ST-40, ST-41, ST-42, ST-45, BL-21 및 CV-12 혈 위에 실시하였다. ST-36 및 BL-21 혈 위에 침술을 실시한 결과 위 운동성이 증가되었으며, CV-12 혈 위에서는 위 운동성이 감소되었다. 그러나 ST-40, ST-41, ST-42 및 ST-45 혈위의 침술은 위 운동성에 영향을 미치지 않았다
The effect of traditional acupuncture on gastric motility was investigated in dogs. Six healthy dogs, of mixed breed, were used in this study. The gastric motility was evaluated by electrogastromyograms (EGMG) of the smooth muscle of the pyloric region. The acupoints investigated were ST-36, ST-40, ST-41, ST-42, ST-45, BL-21 and CV-12. The gastric motility was increased by traditional acupuncture at ST-36 and BL-21 but decreased by traditional acupuncture at CV-12 However, there were no significant changes in the gastric motility after acupuncture at ST-40, ST-41, ST-42 and ST-45.