Dietary Behaviors, Health-related Lifestyle and Blood Lipid Profile of Obese Children in Incheon

인천시 비만초등학생의 식행동, 건강관련 생활습관 및 혈중 지질농도

  • 이미영 (인하대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 김순기 (인하대학병원 소아과) ;
  • 장경자 (인하대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2002.12.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the anthropometric and blood biochemical characteristics, the dietary behaviors and health-related lifestyles of obese children in Incheon. A cross-sectional survey was conducted using anthropometric measurements, biochemical assessments and questionnaire analysis. The subjects included 7,055 obese children residing in the Incheon area (from 106 elementary schools). The degree of obesity was classified using the Obesity Index (OI) as light 20% < OI < 30% ; Medium 30% < OI < 50% ; Severe 50% > OI. The statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS 10.0 program. Most subjects fell within the medium range of obesity. Most subjects had dietary problems such as overeating, unbalanced meals and skipping breakfast. The ratio of boy subjects eating green and yellow vegetables was lowe. when compared to that of the girl subjects. The boy subjects exercised more frequently and longer than the girls. As the Obesity Index increased, hypercholesterolemia significantly increased. The blood cholesterol levels of the subjects were positively correlated with body fat, waist/hip ratio and BMI; HDL cholesterol levels of the subjects were negatively correlated with the anthropometric data and the LDL cholesterol levels of the subjects were positively correlated with body fat. The blood triglycerides levels of the subjects were positively correlated with body weight, body fat, waist/hip ratio and BMI. Therefore, proper nutritional education and intervention are required for an improvement of obese children's dietary behavior, heath-related factors and blood lipid profiles.



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