A Study on the Improvement of Construction Progress Management for EVMS

공정-원가 통합관리를 위한 진도관리 개선 방안

  • Published : 2002.08.01


The Ministry of Construction-Transportation released a plan about EVMS in 1993 in order to prepare measures for an efficient public construction project, and prepared an enforcement proposal concretely in June for 2000 years, and have enforce a public project by an example with a target. Therefore, accurate analysis and evaluation about field progress are required for efficient management of a building construction, and must be established building construction management system for fast action about a problem However, unified management cannot be consisting because a work progress system is different from details estimate system within a country. and There is not still a definite standard in progress measurement for an application of EVMS. A purpose of this study is to present an improvement about a problem of progress measurement for an application of EVMS. The contents of a study, inquired into a progress measurement method and a standard to use in the field of a public construction and private construction and Checks a problem and presented an improvement item necessary for and is as follows. $\circled1$ must establishes a control account and progress measurement standard. $\circled2$ must manage progress in a activity viewpoint. $\circled3$ must use an accurate CPM process management technique.



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