A reinforced concrete building neighboring in Pusan or Ulsan where is directly exposed to salt water contrasting with other in land areas contains much salt content percolated from the outside that the high salt content percolates and diffuses through the inside of reinforced concrete; therefore, an immovable tunic surrounding it begins to be destroyed and eroded with high speed. At the time, the cross-sectional area and volume expansion of re-bar reinforcing result in being cracks make a rapid progress gradually until they appear in the surface of the one, the phenomenon such as being a thin layer or falling off the part of it causes a lowering of its durability and might collapse the concrete construction. So far, we've investigated into salt content of reinforced concrete constructions neighboring in a seaside district and damage by carbonation, and we came to a conclusion as follows: $\circled1$ Under the oceanic circumstance a concrete construction is influenced by sea water directly that contains much amount of salt content contrasting with other constructions on inland areas. $\circled2$ Because of chloride penetration the carbonation of reinforced concrete made a rapid progress until more than the covering thickness of re-bar. $\circled3$ An old reinforced concrete building which has been piled up salt injury and proceeding the carbonation of its cross-sectional area. $\circled4$ According to rapidly cracking from the inside to surface of reiforced concrete, the phenomenon of being a thin layer or falling off the part of reinforced concrete results in a lowering of durability and shortening the life-time of concrete construction itself.