A Study on the Strength Properties of Mortar Under Various Types and Contents of Accelerators for Freezing Resistance

내한촉진제의 종류 및 혼입양 변화에 따른 모르터의 강도특성에 관한 연구

  • 이상수 ((주)대우건설 기술연구소 건축연구팀) ;
  • 원철 ((주)대우건설 기술연구소 건축연구팀) ;
  • 박상준 ((주)대우건설 기술연구소 건축연구팀) ;
  • 김동석 ((주)대우건설 기술연구소 건축연구팀)
  • Published : 2002.05.01


When fresh concrete is exposed to low temperature, the concrete may suffer frost damage due to freezing at early ages and strength development may be delayed. One of the solution methods for resolve these problems is to reduce freezing temperature of concrete by the use of chemical admixture called Accelerators for freezing resistance. In this study, we investigate the effect on strength development of cement mortar using accelerators for freezing resistance with the variance curing condition. As the result of this study, the mortar using accelerators for freezing resistance show that continuously strength development in curing condition of -5$^{\circ}C$. And compressive strength under the variance temperature condition was higher than constant temperature condition in same maturity.



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  1. Compressive Strength and Fluidity of Low Temperature Curable Mortar Using High Early Strength Cement According to Types of Anti-freezer, Accelerator for Freeze Protection and Water Reducing Agent vol.16, pp.5, 2016,