확률적 운전비계산 모형에 기초한 발전기 수입/순익 평가 방법론 개발

An Efficient Revenue/Profit Evaluation Method Based on Probabilistic Production Costing Technique

  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


This paper presents an efficient algorithm for evaluating the Profit and revenue of generating units in a competitive electricity market based on the probabilistic production costing technique. The accurate evaluation of the profit and revenue of generating units for long-term perspectives is one of the most important issues in a competitive electricity market environment. For efficient calculation of the profit and revenue of generating units under the equivalent load duration curve(ELDC), a new approach to figure out the marginal plants and the corresponding market clearing prices during a time period in a probabilistic manner is developed. The mathematical formulation and illustrative application of the suggested method is presented.



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