한과에 대한 주부들의 이용실태 및 기호도 조사 -대구지역을 중심으로-

A Study on the Consumption Patterns and Preferences of Korean Cookies of Housewives in Daegu Province

  • 김향희 (대구산업정보대학 조리과)
  • 발행 : 2002.08.01


The purpose of this study is finding a solution to increase the consumption of Korean cookies by investigating and analyzing the actual consumption patterns, suggestions fur improvement and preferences for Korean cookies. The data fer this study was collected from 358 housewives living in Daegu province. Results show that 77.4% of housewives in this locale eat Korean cookies on a special day such as memorial service day of ancestors, festive day or party. The frequency of having Korean cookies were significantly different due to the income (p<.05): the higher the income, the more often people had Korean cookies. They usually purchase Korean cookies on the market rather than making them by themselves. The percentile of housewives who have never made Korean cookies before was up to 51.7% Only the housewives over fifty had some experience making the Korean cookies. The number of people who teamed the method fur making Korean cookies from their family elders increased according to their age. The reasons why they buy Korean cookies on the market are as follows: the most frequent answer (45.5%) was the price. 34.5% of the responder리s did not know how to make them. 32.1% replied that the process is too complex and troublesome. The most frequent requests for the market was expanding the diversity and improving the quality. In response to why they want the Korean cookies to be inherited. 68.8% of respondents answered that it is traditional culture. 4.01% of respondents replied that `ssalyeatgangung' is their favorite Korean cookie. 3.90% of them like 'sanja' the best and 3.91% of the housewives preferred yakwa to other Korean cookies. This study shows that the most preferred Korean cookies are yeatganjung, yakwa and sanja



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