소고기의 유통 단계별 병원성 미생물 오염도에 관한 연구

A study on the contamination level of pathogenic microorganisms in beef distribution stages

  • 박성도 (광주광역시보건환경연구원 가축위생연구부) ;
  • 김용환 (광주광역시보건환경연구원 가축위생연구부) ;
  • 고바라다 (광주광역시보건환경연구원 가축위생연구부) ;
  • 김철희 (광주광역시보건환경연구원 가축위생연구부) ;
  • 윤병철 (광주광역시보건환경연구원 가축위생연구부) ;
  • 김조균 (광주광역시보건환경연구원 가축위생연구부)
  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


Contamination levels of pathogenic microorganisms in 145 cases of beef, which were distributed in Gwangju province, had been investigated in each distributed stage and also monitored by general bacterial count and E coli count index. General bacterial count of beef from the slaughterhouse was 10$^4$cfu/g less than the level of promotion(10 cfu/$\textrm{cm}^2$) and E coli count index was also under the level of 10$^2$cfu/$\textrm{cm}^2$ recommended level of the ministry of agriculture and forestry. Pathogenic microorganisms were detected from 23.2% of samples in the consumption stage, 12.5% in the slaughtering stage and 5.6% in the transporting and processing stage. Staphylococcus aureus was isolated in the largest number and its ratio was 9.0%, listeria monocytogenes 5.5% and salmonella spp 1.4%. There were no samples that bacteria had been detected dually. E coli O157:H7 and campylobacter jejuni were not isolated. In raw and chilled beef, isolation rate of pathogenic microorganisms were 13.3% and 16.5% each. Especially in raw beef, L monocytogenes was. isolated in 3 samples among 30 cases (10%) and S aureus in one sample (3.3%). According to a scale of meat store, isolation rates of pathogenic microorganisms were different. It was 28.6% in the small-scale meat store and 16.7% in the large-scale meat store each. Four cases (16.7%) of S aureus were isolated in the large-scale meat store and seven cases (20.0%) of L monocytogenes and 2 cases (5.7%) of salmonella spp were isolated in the small-scale meat store. S aureus was isolated in two places among 10 feeding facilities of the elementary school. This result shows that the sanitation of elementary school feeding facilities is so poor and more careful policy consideration is needed. Eleven strains of S aureus isolated showed ${\beta}$-hemolysis on blood agar, 1 strain ${\alpha}$-hemolysis, and 1 strain ${\gamma}$-hemolysis. Isolated strains of L monocytogenes were reconfirmed in 560 bp by PCR. Conclusively, these results show that the sanitary condition in the stages of slaughtering, transportation-processing and consumption influences the degree of pathogenic microorganisms contamination in beef severely It is necessary to apply thoroughly hazard analysis critical control point in a process of beef distribution and also to develop rapid test methods for microorganism diagnosis. This effort is very important for the supply of safe and clean meat from farm to table and helpful for the improvement of public health.



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