This study was carried out to investigate the semen characteristic, motility and viability and sperm motion characteristic by CASA test for establishing the Jindo-dog's semen freezing system. The results obtained are as follow: 1. The semen was collected 63 times. Average volume of semen, concentration of sperm, total number of sperm, progressive motility and viability were 3.8 $m\ell$ 145.6$\times$10$^{6}$ cells/$m\ell$, 396.2 x10$^{8}$ cells, 79.7% and 89.5%, respectively. Also, Fawn (Yellow) Jindo-dog comparing with White Jindo-dog showed better concentration of sperm, total number of sperm, progressive motility and viability. Among all dogs, the results of No. 2 Fawn Jindo-dog were the best. 2. The average progressive motility and viability of semen from 46 times were 73.5%, 82.3% before freezing and 51.1%, 64.9% after freezing. So, the freezing of semen has affected the progressive motility and viability. The progressive motility and viability of Fawn Jindo-dog's semen, before and after freezing, were better than White Jindo-dog. And No. 2 Fawn Jindo-dog showed the best results and showed significantly different among all dogs (P<0.05). 3. The 44 times-tested .esults by CASA system were as follow; MOT (motility) 65.6%. PROG (progressive motility) 54.8%, VAP (average path velocity) 75.3 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$/sec, VCL (curve linear velocity) 90.0 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$/sec, VSL (straight-line velocity) 69.4 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$/sec and ALH (amplitude of lateral head displacement) 4.4 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$. Although the motion characteristic of frozen semen were not significantly different between White and Fawn Jindo-dog, No. 2 Fawn Jindo-dog showed the best results and was significantly different among all dogs (P<0.05). 4. The success rate of frozen semen production between White and Fawn Jindo-dog were 43% (13/28), 94% (33/35), respectively, and the total success rate was 73% (46/63). The freezing-ability of Fawn Jindo-dog's semen was better than the other. Conclusively, the present results indicated that the characteristic and motility of Jindo-dog') semen were suitable for processing frozen semen, artificial insemination and mass production system. Also, the selection of suitable dog-breed was so important because the characteristic and freezing-ability of semen were significantly different between White and Fawn Jindo-dogs and among all individual dogs.
본 연구는 진도개 동결정액 제조기술을 정립하기 위하여 진도개 정액성상과 동결 전후 정액의 활력과 생존율 및 CASAs를 이용한 운동성 등에 대하여 조사하였고, 백구와 황구간, 개체간의 정액성상과 내동성을 비교, 조사하였다. 이상의 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 총 63회 정액채취 후 신선정액의 평균 정액량 3.8 $m\ell$, 농도 145.6$\times$$10^{6}$$m\ell$, 총정자수 396.2$\times$08/$m\ell$, 전진운동율 79.7% 및 생존율 89.5% 였다. 황구와 백구간에는 황구가, 개체간에는 황구 2호가 정자농도, 총정자수, 전진운동정자율 및 생존율 등의 정액성상에서 유의적으로 우수하였다(P<0.05). 2. 동결전.후 정자의 전진운동율과 생존율을 46회 조사한 결과 동결전 73.5%와 82.3%를, 동결후 51.1%와 64.9%를 나타내 동결과정이 전진운동율과 생존율에 영향이 있었으며, 역시 황구와 백구간에는 황구가, 개체간에는 황구 2호가 동결전후 전진운동율과 생존율에서 유의적인 차이가 인정되었다 (P<0.05). 3. 동결.융해정자의 보다 객관적인 평가를 위하여 CASA system을 이용한 총 44회 평가한 결과, 생존율 65.6%, 전진운동율 54.8%, VAP 75.3 $\mu\textrm{m}$/sec, VCL 90.0 $\mu\textrm{m}$/sec, VSL 69.4 $\mu\textrm{m}$/sec 및 ALH 4.4 $\mu\textrm{m}$로 동결 융해 정액의 운동성은 양호하였고, 황구와 백구간의 운동성에는 유의적인 차이가 없었으나, 개체간에는 역시 황구 2호가 운동성이 우수하여 유의적인 차이가 인정되었다 (P<0.05). 4. 채취된 정액중 백구는 46%(13/28), 황구는 94%(33/35)가 동결정액 제조가 가능해 황구가 내동성이 좋았으며, 전체적으로 73%(46/63) 동결정액 제조가 가능하였다. 결론적으로 진도개의 동결정액을 제조하기 위하여 정액성상 및 동결 전후 운동성을 조사한 결과 동결정액 제조와 생산체계의 구축이 가능하였으며, 황구와 백구간, 개체간의 정액성상과 동결전후의 운동성에 차이가 인정되므로 정액성상과 내동성을 고려한 종견선발 체계가 필요하다고 사려되었다.